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Review|Knob Creek [Craft bourbon with high overall quality

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Bartender/blogger Inozu (@InoKazuBlog(The following is a brief description of the project.

In this article, we will discuss the bourbon whiskey "Knob CreekWe will review and evaluate about

I want to make as few mistakes as possible when buying whiskey!If you are a person who is interested in this project, please see this page to the end.

Knob Creek
( 4 )
  • Great for drinkers with a great drinking experience.
  • Sweet, smooth mouthfeel for its strength.
  • You can also taste the goodness of standard bourbon.
  • Not suitable for people who do not like high degrees
  • Not suitable for people who always drink on the rocks.
Knob Creek
¥4,256 (2024/05/09 06:00時点 | Amazon調べ)
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What is Knob Creek?

country of originAmerica
degree (e.g. temperature)50%.
AwardsISC 2015: Gold Award
ISC 2014: Best in Category Award

."Knob CreekThe "ƒ" is aOne of the craft bourbonsand the most famous bourbon "Jim BeamIt is built by the Beam family, which handles the

What is Craft Bourbon?

Bourbon is a bourbon that is particular about every aspect, including raw materials and manufacturing methods, and that firmly reflects the intentions and philosophy of its makers. Unlike mass-produced whiskey, "small batch" whiskey has a limited number of bottles produced per year.

Other types of craft bourbon made by the Beam family include

  • ."bookers"
    It is the most expensive and rarest of the four craft bourbons at cask strength.
  • ."Bakers."
    Aged 7 years and 53.5% alcohol by volume. Deep flavor and strong punch.
  • ."Basel Hayden."
    Dry at 40% alcohol by volume. It has a tea-like aroma.

."Knob CreekThe "Mere Old Man" has a high 50% alcohol content, making it a great place for drinkers to enjoy a good drink.

It's a super-aged bourbon, aged for 9 years, and not just because of the strength of the alcohol,Surprisingly smooth mouthfeel and firm sweetnessis felt.

The shape of the bottle is reminiscent of the Prohibition era and is derived from the flask bottle used to conceal alcohol.

Knob Creek
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Nobu Creek Evaluation and Review

The author, a bartender, has been working on the "Knob CreekI will evaluate and review the actual drinking of the "Mere Old Man".

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We will introduce in detail what it tastes like and how it is recommended to drink it!

Tasting Review

note (supplementary information) symbolHigher number does not = better whiskey.


The aroma is quite sweet and strong.

Aromatic taste derived from vanilla, caramel and rye.


Smooth and satisfying.

Strong vanilla, spice and nuts.


To be honest, the aftermath is not that impressive.

Dry and spicy with a hint of oak.

."Knob CreekThe flavor of "TheSweetness is the main ingredientIt is.

Those who are not accustomed to higher alcohol content may shy away from it,The taste itself is overpriced, the contents are large, and the product is quite cosmetically pleasing.

If you have a hard time drinking straight, you can enjoy this whiskey by drinking it in a different way that suits it.

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It has a standard bourbon taste, yet is well balanced!

Evaluation by way of drinking

Because it has a matured feel and good flavor, it is recommended to drink it straight first. There is not much alcohol. The alcohol content is strong, but the taste is delicate.

Recommendation [star-list number=5] 5


Because of its high alcohol content, the taste does not become blurred even when watered down. It tastes sweeter and tastier, but it loses its drinkability, so whisky lovers may find it unsatisfying.

Recommendation [star-list number=4] 4


The sweetness is reduced, the bitterness increases, and the oak aroma becomes stronger. The balance of the wine is not good, and the original goodness seems to have been eliminated.

Recommendation [star-list number=2] 2


It takes a lot of skill to make it taste good. Just making it will give it an oaky taste. It's not bad, but not so bad that you should go out of your way to make it watered down.

Recommendation [star-list number=2] 2


The body is as strong as the impact of the soda, making it both refreshing and full-flavored at the same time. For those who are concerned about the high alcohol content, we recommend drinking it with soda.

Recommendation [star-list number=4] 4

Overall rating [star-list number=4] 4

."Knob CreekThe "Mere Old Man" is the taste, drinkability, content, price, etc,Brands that will satisfy whisky lovers overall.It is.

You will be able to feel the goodness of craft bourbon and experience the difference from whiskey that can be mass-produced.

I've had a lot of different bourbons, from people who haven't had a lot of bourbon yet, to people who have had a lot of different bourbons and are like, "I don't know.Knob Creek" even to those who have not yet had a drink,Recommended for a wide range of peopleCan be done.

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It is an affordable craft bourbon made by the Beam family, so please give it a try!

Summary of Nobu Creek's Evaluation

In this issue of Bourbon Whiskey's "Knob CreekWe introduced the "About.

Summary of Whiskies introduced
  • Craft bourbon made by the Beam family, famous for "Jim Beam
  • The taste is mainly sweet and smooth for its strength.
  • Recommended to drink straight, twiced up, or with soda.

It is a craft bourbon with limited production, but it is easy to obtain and is usually stocked online.

If you haven't had it yet and you love to drink, this is a whiskey that you will definitely get into.

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It is not generally well-known, but if you are looking for a good bourbon, this is the place to go!

Knob Creek
¥4,256 (2024/05/09 06:00時点 | Amazon調べ)
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